Sunday, December 6, 2020

Week 15 Blog

     My online presence is actually pretty small. If I do a Google search on myself, the only things that show up are my LinkedIn page and my Instagram. My Instagram page is private so you can only see my posts if you follow me. Other than those two things, I don't really show up much on the internet because I've been careful about what I post online and to where I post my things. 

    In my Instagram and LinkedIn bio it says that I attended Bergen Catholic High School and I currently attend High Point University. The information kind of stops there though because if you wanted to know more about me, I would have to accept you as a friend. 

    The only photo of me on Google Images is my LinkedIn profile picture, which is of me in a suit. This is a good thing because if an employer were to search me, they would not find any embarrassing photos or anything, just one of me in a suit which is at least somewhat professional. 

    I have given out some of my information though. Mostly my email and I've given it out to countless websites and stores where they ask you to sign up. The main email that I use for this is constantly bombarded with emails and newsletters from all kinds of things from clothing stores to news publications. 

    I think that social media does make some people lonely and depressed because it is a false sense of attention. Even if you do get the attention it is not very genuine and those who don't may feel like they are not worth as much as someone who gets tons of likes and followers. I don't use or post to social media a lot because I really could care less about it. I use it sometimes for news and to see what my friends are up to but other than that I don't interact with it much. 

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