Sunday, December 6, 2020

Blog Post Week 11

       Everything we do online has a permanent stamp that others can see. The TED talk that Juan Enriquez gave that likened out digital footprints to tattoos really gave a good example of what it is like when we post something online. Growing up in this digital age where everyone is using social media and things like that, it is kind of scary to think about. I had access to everything as a young kid and while I don't think I've ever posted anything that could come back to haunt me, I sure could have. I think its important for kids to learn about this at a young age so they know not to make mistakes that could haunt them later in life. 
       Another thing I found interesting is about the data collection by the police about where you have been because of the license plate photos. I never knew that this was going on and I don't know if I really agree with it. With everything that has been uncovered over the years, from Snowden and the NSA to this license plate thing, it seems like we don't actually live as free Americans. Everything and everyone is monitored to an almost Soviet Union like degree. 

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Final Blog Post

  I think that the internet and rise of technology has brought many good things into this world but definitely has some bad side effects o...